Hushmand Afzar Robotics

PishRobot not only offers the selected robotic products of the world, but also designs and manufactures robotic products, platforms and accessories with the brand name of PISHROBOT.
Roborider Line Follower Robot
Logic based version and Microcontroller based version.
In the Logic based version the robot is controlled by a controller board using logic gates.
In the Microcontroller based version the robot is controlled by Roborider μ13 board using ATTINY13 Microcontroller.

Roborider μ13 Line Follower Control Board
This controller has special features to control Line Tracking robots like Roborider. Additional Sensors could be also connected to the controller.

Acrobat Robot Kit
Acrobat Robot simulates inverted pendulum mechanism using sensors.

MRP-W2AX Mobile Robot Platform
This platform is offered in two versions: PC Based version which is controlled directly by a computer and Microcontroller based version which is controlled by an embedded controller.

KAIROBOT Accessories

Using a RC3 Remote Controller, different robots like Fire Fighting Robots, Soccer Robots, Explorer Robots, Sumo Robots, @Home Robots, Robotic Arms and ... could be easily controlled.
- Simultaneously working of Several RC3 Remote Controllers in a common place without any Interference
- No. of Channels: 18
- No. of Separately Controlled DC Motors: 4
- Differential Control of Mobile Robots by Joystick
- No. of Separately Controlled PWM Servo Motors: 4
- No. of Digital I/O on Receiver: 2
- Ability to Control different devices connected to Relay Board
- Different Sensors like Contact Sensors could be connected to Receiver
- Vibration alert on transmitter upon Sensor Activation on Receiver
- Continuous Current of each DC Motor: maximum 1.6A
- Peak instantaneous Current of each DC Motor: maximum 3.0A
- Allowed Receiver Input Voltage: 6V
- Receiver Power: 4 x AA Batteries
- Transmitter Power: 3 x AAA Batteries
- Sockets per DC Motor Output: 1
- Output Sockets: 4P4C (RJ616) sockets (compatible with KAI-ROBOT DC Motors)

Using 4 Channel remote controller, 2 DC motors could be independently remote controlled. There are 2 sockets for each DC motor: CW and CCW sockets which can be used simultaneously. So totally 4 DC motors could be connected to the receiver sockets.
- Communication Type: RF (Radio Frequency)
- No. of Channels: 4
- No. of Separately Controlled Outputs: 2
- Sockets per Separate Output: 2 (CW and CCW)
- Output Sockets: 4P4C (RJ616) Sockets (Compatible with KAI-ROBOT DC Motors)
- Receiver Power: 4 x AA Batteries (for receiver and motors)
- Remote Controller Power: 2 x AA Batteries
- Available Frequencies: 27, 35, 40, 49 MHZ

"Logic Pack 1" is Hushmand Afzar's brand new product for controlling robots.
This pack which is inspired from common industrial control products, helps students to easily add intelligence to their robots without any need to PC and Software Programming.
Its user friendly design makes it to be easily understood and used by even primary school students.
Logic Pack 1 includes:
- No. of Infrared sensors: 2
- No. of Touch Sensors: 2
- No. of Motor Drivers (type 1): 1
- No. of Motor Drivers (type 2): 1
- No. of A/D Convertors: 1
- No. of DELAY modules: 2
- No. of Battery Holders: 1
- Cables and other equipment
"Logic Pack 2" comes after Logic Pack 1.
Smarter and more complicated robots could be made using Logic Pack 2.
Logic Pack 2 includes:
- No. of Light Sensors: 2
- No. of Sound Sensors: 1
- No. of LED Display Modules: 2
- No. of Motor Drivers (type 1): 1
- No. of AND Logic Modules: 1
- No. of OR Logic Modules: 1
- No. of NOT Logic Modules: 1
- No. of TOGGLE Logic Modules: 1
- No. of Expansion Boards: 1
- Cables and other equipment

Using "Pneumatic Set" you can add a Pneumatic Cylinder to your robot.
Pneumatic Cylinders are actuators which work with compressed Air. They can be used to make Linear motions. Using Pneumatic Cylinders high force linear motions, Projectile motions and Impact motions can be produced that are useful for robots like Sumo robots, Soccer robots, Robotic Arms or for making production lines.
This product is compatible with KAI-ROBOT products and could be connected to Logic Pack or KRC controllers. It could be also connected to ROBOTIS controllers like CM-5 or CM-530 using DXL-IO module.
Pneumatic Set includes:
- No. of Pneumatic Cylinders: 1
- No. of Solenoid Valves: 1
- No. of Check valves: 1
- No. of Control Boards for Solenoid Valves: 1
- No. of 6V to 12V Converter Modules: 1
- Other Pneumatic, Mechanical and Electrical parts

These Geared DC Motors are compatible with KAI-ROBOT products and they can be used where more powerful or faster motors are required like sumo robots, robot arms and ... .
- Rated Voltage: 12 VDC (works with 6VDC supply also)
- Gear Box Ratio: 1/15
- Speed: 800 RPM
- Torque: 0.5 kgf.cm (stall torque: 2 kgf.cm)
- Electrical Connection: Compatible with KAI-ROBOT Products (RJ616)
- Mechanical Adapter Flang: Compatible with KAI-ROBOT Products
Note: Different speeds like 50, 100, 300, ... RPM are also available to order.
ROBOTIS Accessories

This module could measure the acceleration in three perpendicular axes using ADXL330 sensor. One of main advantages of this module is that it provides information in Dynamixel format. Therefore, it could be easily connected to different Robotis controllers and the acceleration data would be available for those controllers. DYNMXL330 could be also connected to PC through USB2Dynamixel Interface.
Using this module you can easily detect the robot fallings as well as its direction of fall.

DXL-I2C is a very useful interface module that connects dynamixel and I2C buses to each other. So Dynamixel based devices could connect and control the modules that communicate through I2C bus. Therefore, a lot of I2C sensors, drivers, controllers, modules and ... could be connected and controlled by ROBOTIS controllers like CM-530 and CM-700 or by PC through USB2Dynamixel interface. DXL-I2C is also compatible with RoboPlus programming environment.
DXL-I2C could be connected to Ultrasonic Range Finders like SRF02 and SRF08, Compass Modules like CMPS03 and CMPS11, Thermal Sensors like TPA81, DC Motor Drivers like MD03 and MD22, RC Servo Controllers like SD21 and SD84, LCD Display Modules like LCD05, ... .

Using DXL-DRV4, the velocity of a DC motor with the maximum current of 4A could be easily controlled by controllers which communicate through Dynamixel bus. So different DC motors could be connected and controlled by ROBOTIS controllers like CM-530 and CM-700 or by PC through USB2Dynamixel interface. DXL-DRV4 is also compatible with RoboPlus programming environment.

Using DXL-IO module, Digital I/Os, Analogue inputs and RC Servos (with PWM interface) could be added to Controllers which communicate through Dynamixel bus. So different Sensors with Digital or Analogue outputs or Devices which receive commands through their Digital inputs or PWM Servo Motors could be connected and controlled by ROBOTIS controllers like CM-530 and CM-700 or by PC through USB2Dynamixel interface. DXL-IO is also compatible with RoboPlus programming environment.

DXL-CLD is a very useful sensor module that can save and detect, 5 different colors. The module acknowledges an output when it recognizes one of saved colors.
The result of the color detection can be received in digital form through digital outputs of module or through TTL Dynamixel bus.
- No. of detectable colors: 5
- Receiving the result of color detection: through digital outputs or TTL dynamixel bus
- Maximum baud rate of Dynamixel bus: 1Mbps
- Intensity of light radiated to the object: Controllable by 4 white LEDs with adjustable light
- Noise reduction: via internal filter
- Operating Voltage: 6 to 16V
- Weight: 10g

DXL-HMI module is a HMI (Humanoid and Machine Interface) which communicates through Dynamixel bus. Using DXL-HMI, data like sensor values and variables of a controller can be displayed on a LCD Display. Also 4 external buttons could be connected to DXL-HMI and their status could be transferred to the main controller.
So a Text LCD and 4 buttons could be connected and controlled by ROBOTIS controllers like CM-530 and CM-700 or by PC through USB2Dynamixel interface. DXL-HMI is also compatible with RoboPlus programming environment.
- Communication Type: TTL Dynamixel
- Maximum baud rate of Dynamixel bus: 1Mbps
- No. of LCD characters: 20 characters per row, 4 rows
- No. of external keys (buttons): 4
- Weight: 100g (including the LCD)